Struggling to succeed in show business, the aspiring comedian Walid Bensalem agrees to work for his uncle Akmar, a renowned florist with unconventional sales techniques. Determined to become a successful comedian, Walid will do everything to sign with Sarah Schwartz, the best manager in Quebec.
Seven years ago, two men were notified that the women they both dated had disappeared after giving b...
When an aspiring blind comedian goes after his dreams, it's him and his best friend with cerebral pa...
The life of Phraphye, a kind-hearted woman who owns a flower shop. What makes her unique is her incr...
Eda, who ties all her hopes to her education, confronts Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her international...
Guillaume Thibert gives us a glimpse into the world of flowers and plants alongside his mother and h...
Ten pairs of florists, sculptors and garden designers face off in a friendly floral fight to see who...
Copenhagen thirtysomethings Nikolaj and Julie struggle with marriage, baby and work, plus friends of...
This thriller and coming-of-age drama follows the journey of an extraordinary young girl as she evad...
3 Musketeers is written by Kingchat. It tells the story of 3 young female journalists of Siam San ne...
Din is a good-natured orphan boy raised in a Buddhist temple. Apichat, a businessman, likes Din’s ch...
A North Holland amateur soccer team (Swiftboys 8) consists of boys who since childhood enjoy the gam...
It sounds like the rehash version of William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew” where the main ...
The Story of a Thai fold hero, but few people have a folk hero these days. This drama takes place in...
Irina is a poor Thai-Russian girl. Jetrin is a Thai diplomat who meets Irina while he's in Russia. H...
"Beware, Kulik!" is a modern sketch show, humorous in style like all previous sketches by Evgeny Kul...
The story takes place on a quiet peninsula away from Buenos Aires, where more than the first generat...