Fraternity Life is a reality television show that aired on MTV from February 26, 2003 to January 1, 2005. The show consisted of college boys pledging to become part of a fraternity. The show was a spin-off of Sorority Life.
The Parkers is an American sitcom that aired on UPN from August 30, 1999, to May 10, 2004. A spin-of...
Tommy Lee Goes to College is an NBC reality television show that began broadcasting on Tuesday, Augu...
A reality series that follows the lives and loves of a group of British twenty-somethings as they ba...
The Baby Borrowers is an American version of the The Baby Borrowers reality television show based on...
A fascinating look at Monica, a junior at Penn State navigating friends, family, relationships – and...
Docu-series that follows 10 entrepreneurial techies looking to make names for themselves while also ...
MNet revives it's most popular programs in the 2000s. To launch this project, they send kpop idol IT...
Engaged & Underage is an American reality television series on MTV. The series debuted on January 22...
Each year, seven strangers in their twenties, from different backgrounds and countries, are chosen t...
Sorority Life is a reality television show on MTV that aired from June 24, 2002 to 2004. The show co...
Spring Break Challenge is a short-lived MTV reality game show spun off from MTV's long-running reali...
Shows the daily life of 7 young adult roommates who leave their native region and arrive in Montreal...
Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to livi...
After moving to Boston from Virginia, to spy on his sister who just started college, Boyd finds hims...
Jaye Tyler, a recent Brown University graduate with a philosophy degree, holds a dead-end job as a s...
Undergrads is an animated television series centered on the lives of four college undergraduate fres...
That '80s Show is an American sitcom that aired from January through May 2002. Despite having a simi...