The It Factor is a reality television show which aired for two seasons on the Bravo network. It followed actors as they attempted to lead successful careers. The first season profiled actors in New York City, and the second season did the same in Los Angeles. Notable actors who appeared on the show include Oscar nominee Jeremy Renner, model/actress LisaRaye, Michaela Conlin, and Godfrey.
Follows a group of former daytime and primetime actresses working together in front of and behind th...
Next Action Star is an American reality television program shown on NBC from June to July 2004.
Raising the Roofs is a 2006 reality television show on Spike TV, following the life of aspiring acto...
Chronicles the life of a sassy 15-year-old Latina caught between two worlds: the traditional world o...
Determined to make it in Hollywood, Sarah bides her time between auditions by taking humiliating, so...
The charming and still-single Joey has struck out on his own and moved to Hollywood, hoping to truly...
Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and ...
My Sister Eileen is an American situation comedy based on a series of autobiographical short stories...
Water Under the Bridge is a 1980 mini series based on the 1977 novel by Sumner Locke Elliott.
Texas native Jamie King is an aspiring actor who heads to Hollywood in hopes to find fame and fortun...
Andy Millman gave up his day job five years ago in the hope of achieving the big time, but he’s yet ...
Cybill is an American television sitcom created by Chuck Lorre, which aired on CBS from January 2, 1...
In post-World War II Hollywood, an ambitious group of aspiring actors and filmmakers will do almost ...
An aspiring actress with a larger than life personality and her science geek best friend try to make...
Baxter follows Baxter McNab and his friends on their journey through the unique, high-energy world t...
Allison "Sonny" Munroe makes the leap from the Midwest to Los Angeles to join the cast of "So Random...
Behind the scenes at the fictitious Century Studios in Hollywood, headed by the (initially) unseen J...
Nicole Byer is living the Hollywood dream. Well, Hollywood adjacent – the deep valley to be precise ...
In a cutthroat world where the life you’re born into decides your success, three aspiring youths are...
The Stage Door is an American drama series that aired live on CBS Tuesday night from 9:00 pm to 9:30...