Adderly is a Canadian television drama series, first aired in 1986.
Gavilan is an American 1982 TV series directed by Corey Allen that aired on NBC.
After years as an MI6 operative, Sylvia winds up in a village in Umbria visiting her sister Isabel a...
A formerly blacklisted spy uses his unique skills and training to help people in desperate situation...
Robert McCall is a former agent of a secret government agency who is now running his own private cri...
The Exile is an American television series that aired on CBS as part of its late night Crimetime Aft...
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a former East German spy resolves to find out who betrayed her an...
The Wizard is a live-action, family friendly, action/adventure series created by Michael Berk, Dougl...
Flop Show is an Indian television sitcom that first aired on Doordarshan in 1989. The show was writt...
Comedy set in the social services department of a local authority. Social workers Rose and Al swim a...
Hidden in the middle of Berlin, ex-spies Simon and Meret run the safe house called "The Nest." When ...
A Turkish remake of the British series called "Yes, Minister" created by Jonathon Lynn and Anthony J...
When a blogger witnesses a murder and mistakenly records it on camera, a blood chase that leaves a p...
Three journalists investigate the shocking case of Thomas Gotthard, a priest who murdered his wife a...
The story of MMA fighter, 'Lightning' Lee Murray, who brawled his way from the mean streets of South...
Javanese and Chinese families were forced to go together to Banyuwangi, to celebrate Eid and Ceng Be...
a TV series about War correspondent Marguerite Higgins and Korean War.
In November 1937, Shanghai fell into the hands of the Japanese army led by Wei Da Hong and Lin Qiu Y...
Five friends in their late 30s go on a holiday to a hill station. As they take the road, they soon c...