Santo Bugito was a 1995 animated cartoon series developed by Klasky-Csupo for CBS. It ran for thirteen episodes and revolved around the goings on in a fictional community of insects. Notable achievements of this series included a revival of the insect-community genre well before Antz or A Bug's Life, and voice cameos from well known performers such as James Belushi and Johnny Cash. The regular cast included Hollywood veterans such as Henry Gibson, George Kennedy, Cheech Marin, and Joan Van Ark. The show has also aired on ITV in the United Kingdom and on ABC in Australia.
The world's most beloved animated characters as precocious preschoolers, discovering the world one b...
Follow the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters who attend the Acme Looniversity to bec...
Maggie Pesky is an unusual young teen fly with big dreams. Maggie gets the community's attention wit...
Anime based on "nature learning picture books" which explore the lives of insects, while also celebr...
A series of very short films inspired by the amazing and often bizarre sexual practices of insects a...
At the end of the 21st century, a rare disease called “Cagaster” broke out, turning humans into huge...
Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends is an animated program based on the children's books by David Kirk...
In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must ...
Micro Ventures is an educational animated series created by Hanna-Barbera Productions which original...
Short video animations giving a bird's eye view of insects' day to day existence, distorted through ...
Operating out of his private anthill, the formidable Atom Ant picks up distress calls via his built-...
This story is about Mick, a sleeping chironomid. Insects are taken up into space for use in experime...
Dive into the secret world of the most successful and important animals on Earth – Insects. Building...
The Bugaloos was an American children's television series, produced by brothers Sidney Krofft and Ma...
Enter an unseen micro-verse where miniature heroes use amazing superpowers to survive in a series of...
For 30 years Oxford Scientific Films has concentrated on animals that are difficult to film and acti...
David Attenborough reveals the amazing stories behind the tiny lives of invertebrates, exploring the...
Steve Backshall explores the world of insects and their close relatives, the arachnids and crustacea...
Bees are disappearing fast, with 46% of species having declined in the past 10 years; Jimmy Doherty ...