Leaving Europe to look for Akiko, Jean-Noël discovers her city, the exotic Tokyo. A documentary on everyday life in Tokyo, its KABUKI theater, its nostalgic TAKENOKOZOKU dances, its thousands of suit-and-tie executives, its geishas, its Western style marriages, its tranquil green areas, its pulsating nightlife...
Launched in 2011 as a sister group to girl band behemoth AKB48, the Osaka-based NMB48 has become a m...
In August 2020, Olympic artistic swimmer Ona Carbonell became a first time mother, an experience tha...
Violinist and songwriter Kishi Bashi travels on a musical journey to understand WWII era Japanese In...
A documentary on the dark and brutal side of the Samurai warrior clans featuring the life of peasant...
This Traveltalk visit to Japan starts with a look at the country's cherry blossom trees, tulips, and...
Thirty years ago, idol Okada Yukiko jumped off the Sun Music agency building in a desperate attempt ...
A small rural hospital in Japan battles an international cybercriminal gang that is holding them ran...
Teachings of an Issei. Advice, spirituality and challenges.
A journey back through Dacia Maraini's and her trips around the world with her close friends cinema ...
Join Phil Morrison and James Robinson from Driftworks, Mitto Steele from MeiNoMai and Pieter Gouwy f...
Takeshi Kitano is an international icon. We know the actor, the multi-award-winning filmmaker, but m...
A filmmaker plays with diary-docu and fiction as his camera joins his ventures into a phone dating c...
A fictionalised documentary about the great Japanese poet Bashô (1644–1694), the spiritual father of...
A documentary exploring the rigorous training and meditation practices found at the Shōgen-ji, a Zen...
A documentary tracing the development of Shinto to the present day. Explores ancient ritual sites th...
The Real Story of Fake Democracy. Filmed over three years in five countries, FREEDOM FOR THE WOLF i...
A documentary that focuses on the craftspeople who continue to make salt with a technique called Age...
A modern geisha travels through Japan trying to find a job as entertainer, and ends up by finding lo...
Montreal Expos star catcher Gary Carter visits Japan to learn about the customs and traditions of ba...