"I Am Rohingya" is a chronicle of the journey made by 14 young refugees, who share their endeavouring experiences amidst the Myanmar internal genocide in the Burma region, with Rohingya muslisms being the target. Sharing their personal lives and showing the struggles in the adjusting process of starting a new life in Canada, the children will be tasked with depicting on stage the horror of real life events. It's upon these youth to share the stories of their people and be sure no one forgets about them.
Documentary film about the "zanja de Alsina", a long trench dug in the Argentinian Pampa in 1876 as ...
While serving with the African Union, former Marine Capt. Brian Steidle documents the brutal ethnic ...
Das radikal Böse is a German-Austrian documentary that attempted to explore psychological processes ...
Within a few months, the Kutupalong refugee camp has become the biggest in the world. Out of sight, ...
In March 1943, twenty-year-old Ovadia Baruch was deported together with his family from Greece to Au...
The interactive roadmovie follows the trail of a convicted war criminal with ties to Switzerland. On...
This hour-long documentary is a provocative look at a historical event of which few Americans are aw...
Umbrella drinks and genocide. More than 24.000 Rohingyas have been killed. Over 900.000 Rohingyas ha...
This is the story of survivors of the Srebrenica genocide, the only holocaust in Europe since WWII. ...
Narrated by Stephen Baldwin, Finding Manny shares a powerful theme of optimism and makes "never agai...
The war crimes trial of Ratko Mladic, accused of masterminding the murder of over 7000 Muslim men an...
A family with five children flees the war raging in their home village on the Russian border. They e...
From a historic genocide trial to the overthrow of a president, the sweeping story of mounting resis...
If Only I Were That Warrior is a feature documentary film focusing on the Italian occupation of Ethi...
This BBC Three film follows the first all Asian girls’ cricket team over the summer holidays as they...
An optician grapples with the Indonesian mass killings of 1965-1966, during which his older brother ...
STARTING FROM ZERO documents the journey of three refugees — a female boxer, a TV personality and a...
September 2016: Stacey Dooley embeds herself on the frontline with the extraordinary all-female Yazi...
After crossing 11 countries irregularly to seek asylum in Canada, Peggy, Simon and their three child...