In the medieval world of Veroka, monsters and demons alike roam and terrorize humankind. The Bone Devil has plagued the Kingdom of Remény for years. After a group of trackers fails to kill the creature, King Samuel decides to bring in an elite group of monster hunters. These hunters must use every skill they have obtained from around the globe to destroy this ancient evil. Will they be enough, or will the Bone Devil continue its reign of terror?
A man's wife was abducted by aliens ten years ago during a car accident which left him paralyzed fro...
When Sid Bothers, P.I., is hired by a gorgeous dame to protect her father from a serial killer that ...
Dávid - a man living alone - one day receives an email. The email is about an unknown but also speci...
In 18th-century Romania, after spending much of her life in a traveling circus, human-vampire hybrid...
Pinocchio, an animated wooden puppet tries to escape from his father, Gepetto in a creepy and dark t...
It's Alex's 21st Birthday, but she's stuck at the amusement arcade on a late shift so her friends de...
A man who lost his family and all hope in life becomes a serial killer who hires an aspiring journal...
When she arrives in a new world, Isabela is tasked with discovering her true essence. Watched by Sha...
The lines between reality and fiction, and good and bad blur when both a nihilistic detective and a ...
A troubled group of children living on the same block are haunted by a talking dog named Labby who b...
When a high school student is abducted by agents who work for a video game company, the government a...
It's the day after the events of the first film and Sally Burns and her friends are preparing for a ...
Walfrido Larduet, a lonely electrical inspector, dreams of the Red Woman, whose image persists and b...
Two roommates are preparing to move out of their apartment when one finds a severed finger in their ...
When an evil genius steals the Magical Beacon Stone and forces the children of Inverclyde to toil in...
Global temperatures plunge after an earthquake hits in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. As the worl...
Five teens find themselves terrorized by a mysterious object slithering in the dark.
Two young adults venture into a storm sewer in search of something interesting. They succeed.