The story of Oedipus' gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mot...
In an isolated, snow-covered country known as the Water Land, the town of Shandrilan remains the qui...
Beowulf is a wanderer who learns about a man-eating creature called Grendel, which comes in the nigh...
A young hero defeats a dragon to find acceptance to the court of burgundy.
In the mountains of the Basque Country, a mother and her daughter take shelter in a ruined hut that ...
To win the right to marry his love, the beautiful princess Andromeda, and fulfil his destiny, half-G...
A kindhearted street urchin named Aladdin embarks on a magical adventure after finding a lamp that r...
Bayaya, a young peasant, protected by the spirit of his dead mother, arrives at the castle of the Ki...
Aragón, Spain, early 20th century. María del Pilar is a honest girl whose good name is dirtied when ...
Cheong, a Chinese man, falls sick after a row with his neighbour. His wife Yan is desperately lookin...
Jason, a fearless sailor and explorer, returns to his home land of Thessaly after a long voyage to c...
Based on a local legend and set in an unknown era, it deals with universal themes of love, possessiv...
TV film inspired by folk tale of Pavol. Once upon a time, was the girl. Hank poor but hard-working. ...