This animated short, based on the book by Rachna Gilmore, is the story of Gita, an 8-year-old girl who can't wait to celebrate Divali - the Hindu festival of lights - in her new home in Canada. But it's nothing like New Delhi, where she comes from. The weather is cold and grey and a terrible ice storm cuts off the power, ruining her plans for a party. Obviously, a Divali celebration now is impossible. Or is it? As Gita experiences the glittering beauty of the icy streets outside, the traditional festival of lights comes alive in a sparkling new way.
Max imagines running away from his mom and sailing to a far-off land where large talking beasts—Ira,...
A small-town shoemaker with a knack for spinning yarns, Hans encounters happiness and heartbreak on ...
On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their presence there dates back a thou...
VideoBook recording that includes two classic Dr. Seuss stories: “The Cat in the Hat” and “Maybe You...
Moomintroll is heading home to Moominmamma with milk. On the way there, he meets Mymble looking for ...
“Kalikangiaroi” (also called Skalapountari) are Cypriot fantasy creatures. Mischievous, funny-lookin...
A compilation of four Mother Goose stories "photographed in three-dimensional animation" and unified...
An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sancturary after a meteorite shower...
A granddaughter brings joy on Christmas morning by mending her Filipina grandmother’s beloved Mickey...
A fairy tale set in the bucolic countryside of Central Europe at the turn of the 20th century. Anka,...
In Bamse and the Witch’s daughter Croesus Vole finds gold in the beavers' dam. To demolish the dam a...
Through dances and games, migrant boys and girls who live in a shelter in Reynosa, on the US-Mexico ...
A warm summer day, bread and wine on the table, it's a portuguese house.
The little puppy Aston finds a lonely a cold stone in the forrest a decides to bring it home a care ...
Ignored by her class, Miss Nelson mysteriously disappears one day, and the poisonous "Miss Swamp" ta...
A man and his dog cross the desert in search of La Frontera, a mighty river that represents the geog...
Liubov, a Russian lady who lives in Mexico City. During the routine of her day, Liubov will recall t...
Those who do not know the Sahara think there is only sand in the desert. But in the desert there are...
The forest’s police chief Gordon is about to retire and he needs to find a new assistant. Paddy, a c...
Through first person narration, Tari reveals personal stories related to her decision to work in Tai...