Gregg Taylor presents, Stephen Kramer, a struggling young artist, accepts a job to clean out an isolated house several hours away from the city. After ignoring the ominous warnings of some eccentric local residents, Stephen unwittingly unlocks the many secrets of the house and discovers why he has been chosen for the job...encountering ghostly phantoms and a family of vengeful vampires who have sinister intentions for the young man. Stephen Kramer was destined to come to Raven's End!
A princess awakes from her slumber and explores the city around her, only to run into a prince study...
The sequel to Tales from the Crypt. Five strangers trapped in a basement vault converse about their...
Hideous in their original form, four alien drug smugglers transform into beautiful women on Earth. T...
Vampire Vixens - the lip-smacking, long-awaited sequel to the erotic cult hit, The Vampire's Seducti...
The legendary Bela Lugosi as "the Vampire" teams up with Britain's much-loved "Mother Riley" in this...
Dooby (a vampire) and Micha (a werewolf) are roommates and live in a small apartment with a great le...
Not having bitten anyone at the age of 25 makes the young vampire Victor feel quite inadequate. New ...
On a boring Halloween night alone, teenager Michael Sphenson and his two best friends, Greg and Dave...
A benevolent 17th-century toymaker leaves his shop one night to take some toys to children whose par...
When a killer decides to stalk their next victim, all is not as it seems.
Three vampire brothers have a bloody family reunion after not seeing one another since the great ear...
Sam has just accepted a very unusual job: become the assistant to an amoral, immortal, blood-sucking...
A monologue chronicling the strange and horrific events aboard a sailing vessel transporting mysteri...
When dogs just aren't doing it for them anymore two vampires decide it's time for a first taste of s...
After getting his food supply cut off, Lucien is forced to decide between what he knows his mother e...
An eleven-year-old girl, living in Edinburgh, Scotland, hates her Christian name, Kylie. She prefers...
In New France, in the year of grace 1642. Anguerant de Ganélon, witch hunter and hunter of monsters,...
Red Scream Nosferatu is an edgy, blood-drenched revisioning of the classic original vampire film. Wh...
In the middle of the 19th century, in the heart of France, Wladislas lives in his castle with his fa...