In this documentary, filmmaker Nick Broomfield follows the saga of Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who has been accused of committing a brutal series of murders. Broomfield conducts interviews with Wuornos herself, and his crew films her trial as well as her interactions with religious fanatic Arlene Pralle, who gives Wuornos dubious advice and legally adopts her. The cameras also roll as the accused's attorney ignores the case at hand to negotiate a deal to sell his client's story.
Wayne Adam Ford is a convicted serial killer on Death Row. Victoria Redstall is a model who trained ...
Known as a “kindly killer”, this documentary details Nilsen’s moves between 1978 and 1983, after whi...
The Lewiston / Clarkston valley has a rich history. It is here, at the confluence of the Clearwater ...
A three-part documentary series that recounts the notorious killer's crimes, the decades long invest...
What started as a drama about a Russian police plot to steal a billion dollars from a US financier a...
Young Kids Hard Time explores the story of young children sentenced to adult prison for decades, thr...
Documentary about the magnitude and severity of domestic violence. This film features four women imp...
If you’ve seen Top Gun or Transformers, you may have wondered: Does all of that military machinery o...
Nearly 10,000 children in Britain visit a parent in prison every week, BAFTA-nominated filmmaker Cat...
This documentary about serial killers and FBI Behavioral Sciences profilers features interviews with...
Turn off the alarms and throw away the keys as these two comics set the inmates of Arizona State Pri...
Set as an experiment in a simulated cell in Oslo, three former political prisoners are locked up for...
After decades behind bars, three men set out to prove success can lie on the other side of tragedy. ...
The question of "who hunts virgins" and more will be stripped down and explored in the sexiest trail...
Pete and Toshi Seeger, their son Daniel, and folklorist Bruce Jackson visited a Texas prison in Hunt...
The name Jack the Ripper conjures up vivid images, of fogbound Victorian alleyways where a sinister ...
The Nature of the Beast explores the life and case of a woman, Bonnie Jean Foreshaw, who was subject...
On a blustery January day bishops arrive for the opening of the new Knutsford Test School.
Albert Fish, the horrific true story of elderly cannibal, sadomasochist, and serial killer, who lure...