A refreshingly earnest and comedic documentary that tells the story of a family who have dedicated the last 20 years of their lives to sharing their vision of wild creativity through interactive film projects. Disheartened that the transformative power of the camera has been eclipsed by screen scrolling, they embark on a final journey to meet their heroes and bring their own creative visions to life.
A reflection about memory, the digital world and the files that we generate daily through the audiov...
Emma and Eddie live two lives: one on social media and one in real life. The webcam couple is out to...
Untappd: The Drinkumentary, a documentary that tells the tale of the launch, growth, and success of ...
Documentary and reflection about the effects of technology.
It's the story of a child prodigy with a passion for the almighty power of code and a mission to con...
A journey into the creative mind of the most iconic video game designer in the world. Featuring appe...
Using real cases, this documentary demonstrates the extent to which violent criminals can use social...
Peer through the lens of a high profile political dissident, banished from the online world. After i...
Teenager Olivia Oras has 20,000 Instagram followers. The documentary follows a year of her life.
Anonymous and exploitative, a network of online chat rooms ran rampant with sex crimes. The hunt to ...
The Meaning of Vanlife is an adventurous, revealing look into the Vanlife community through the eyes...
Richard Clay, art historian and expert on semiotics and iconoclasm and the interplay between new tec...
This film explores freedom of speech in the United States of America
Ghyslain Raza, better known as the “Star Wars Kid,” breaks his silence to reflect on our hunger for ...
An 8-year journey into divided America, The American Question examines the insidious roots of polari...
A group of young, risk-embracing day traders used social media to organize a massive stock buy-up. J...
By the dawn of the 21st century, hip-hop sales had reached an all-time high, but one thing has remai...
An examination of Israel and its society after many months of war, seen initially through the prism ...
A daredevil photographer, an aspiring swimsuit model, and a midwest girl next door are all looking f...