In a 1940s New York, two Jewish teenage boys are determined to remain friends despite the deep diffe...
Zahia Ziouani, 17, dreams of becoming a conductor, while her twin sister Fettouma hopes to be a prof...
While out to avoid spending time with her narcissistic and promiscuous mother, sixteen-year-old Jo h...
During a long, hot summer in seventies London, young neighbors Holly and Marina make a childhood pac...
The student politics in a government college has for long revolved around the students' organisation...
Sarah and Ayda are two close friends, one of whom was notorious and now they must work together to b...
A domineering but charismatic rancher wages a war of intimidation on his brother's new wife and her ...
Each member of a family in Taipei asks hard questions about life's meaning as they live through ever...
College has always been a time for experimentation, sexual, cultural and otherwise. "Harvard Man" pl...
The film will be made up of two stories: "Ishi Okoshi" and "Ayashiki Raihousha." In "Ishi Okoshi," N...
Going out for cigarettes at midnight, a woman sees a boy holding a big tortoise. Real or imaginary, ...
A near-penniless drifter's journey to Alaska in search of work is interrupted when she loses her dog...
Punk-rocker turned suburban mom, Kelly, is nostalgic for a life she can no longer have and uncertain...
A military explorer meets and befriends a Goldi man in Russia’s unmapped forests. A deep and abiding...
Isa and Marie bond while working in a French sweatshop and soon begin sharing an apartment that Mari...
By a quiet gas station in rural Buenos Aires, a young kid, Ernesto, confesses to his friend that he ...
After learning that his terminally ill wife has six months to live, a man welcomes the support of hi...
Alice is a quiet young girl. She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her best friend is Josse ...
Zoë's encounter with a vintage clock triggers a profound exploration of grief and acceptance followi...
New Year's Eve 1999 finds college-bound Clark and Trevor concerned about the future of their friends...