Despite a bitter depression over the poor reception of his debut film, "Murder Box", in September of 2020, filmmaker/comedian Gerald Varga, aka "Gerry Geraldson", began work on a new creative endeavor. In November of 2020, Gerald Varga, his roommate, actor David Quast, and Gerald's long-time collaborator, Darren Andrichuk, were all reported missing. Evidence at the residence shared by Varga and Quast seemed to suggest foul play, though no bodies were ever recovered. In the spring of 2021, an anonymous colleague of Gerald Varga's received a package containing all the raw footage for "My Inner Demon: A Geraldson Tale" along with extensive notes detailing how it was to be cut. The film you are about to see comprises the chief piece of evidence in this ongoing investigation and offers the only clues as to what really happened to Gerald Varga, David Quast, and Darren Andrichuk.
A woman agrees to have confrontations with her stalker recorded by hidden cameras.
Three sisters venture out into the back country with their Aunt to evade a mysterious stalker and th...
The lives of a group of teenagers are turned upside down when their town is taken over by sinister f...
Inspired by an infamous online video clip of a son beating his mother, a television crew from Belgra...
A grieving mother hires a filmmaker and a tracker to help document her search in the Florida wildern...
PUTREFIXION: A Video of Nina Temich is the first feature to be entirely filmed on a 360 camera. Dire...
Documented by a young woman hired to take behind-the-scenes footage, a horror movie production comes...
Thomas Finley has been arrested for the murder of his nineteen-year old sister, Samantha and fifty-t...
After 16-year-old Alice Palmer drowns at a local dam, her family experiences a series of strange, in...
Like a joke, Carlos and Dani upload a video to youtube, about two erasmus guys apparently drunk, who...
A college student receives a letter from an unknown sender, after which strange situations begin to ...
Set in 1987, a group of filmmakers venture into the California wilderness to film a shot on video sl...
A man buys a piece of land to build his dream cabin on. He vlogs the experience going awry.
Ivana, the only survivor of the happenings within the woods years ago, is contacted by a TV producti...
Five friends play a game in a "mysterious" forest with a long history as a beacon for troubled young...
Reverend David Poe and his psychiatrist wife trade hectic New York life for an idyllic rural farmhou...
After starting a new online series, Annie and two of her friends head to an abandoned building in Ly...
A widower haunted by the distressed ghost of his recently deceased wife is visited in his dreams by ...
April 2019, Grenoble, France. Three friends are victims of paranormal phenomena following the viewin...