'The Last Party' is a young romantic comedy that follows a group of four friends at their high school graduation party. Each protagonist with their love dilemma to solve throughout the night, all connected by the issues of this generation. It's their last night as teenagers. The last night with friends before being separated by different colleges. The last night before the rest of their lives.
A princess awakes from her slumber and explores the city around her, only to run into a prince study...
Manuela reports her husband to the federal police and enters the witness protection program. When he...
Selminha is a lower-class woman who receives a family inheritance, but only if she meets the challen...
San Francisco's prize-winning American Conservatory Theater's rowdy commedia dell'arte production in...
In "Encontro Marcado com a Morte" we follow the night of a couple of strangers who decide to have di...
An exorcism goes terribly wrong as the entity searches for a stronger host.
"Meu Lugar" is the first video album by Brazilian music artist Anitta, recorded on February 15, 2014...