Stage registration of a comedy show for children by the Dutch cabaret artist Pieter Tiddens. A divorced father and his daughter go on vacation together and end up going from one adventure to another.
Back in 2003, Alex Agnew was the first Belgian to win the prestigious 'Leids Cabaret Festival' in Th...
In dit tweede solo-programma komt hij nóg harder, nóg scherper en nóg pikanter uit de hoek. Gevoelig...
De DVD van ‘Droog’ is dé manier om kennis te maken met de aanstekelijke humor van PhilippeGeubels of...
Television registration of the third program by the Dutch comedian Marc-Marie Huijbregts. Marc-Marie...
The third theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo De Partizanen (Merijn Scholten and Thomas Gast).
All his shows have been sold out, night after night. The best of his shows has been compiled in one ...
Jandino Asporaat riffs on the challenges of raising kids and serenades the audience with a rousing r...
A stand-up comedy set by the Dutch comedian Marc Scheepmaker, recorded live in Toomler in January 20...
Registration of the fifth theatre program by the Dutch comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederi...
After five theatre programs, the comedy duo (Erik) van Muiswinkel and (Diederik) van Vleuten perform...
Theo Maassen puts his teeth in his first-ever New Year's conference. Twelve months, 52 weeks, 365 da...
Alex Agnew talks about recent things bothering him and once again gives humor a whole new meaning by...