Harvested is a Holiday Horror Film, that is centered around Thanksgiving Day. The story follows a group of rappers who make a motel pit-stop in a small town while taking a road-trip. Their stay is cut short by the town legend who returns for vengeance on Thanksgiving night. Produced by Culture Forward Media Group LLC, Distributed by Culture Forward TV, Written and Directed by the 23x international award-winning filmmaker (4X Platinum), Ali West Ashe aka Alex West; Harvested boasts an all-star indie cast with Jordan Peelesque creativity, and horror elements from the 1960s. Starring Elester Latham, Ariel Brown, Dean Wil, Miranda Kathleen, Gregor Haley, Penny Q, Shane Liburd, and Andrew Garrett, with original music from Judell Rome and Clintd.
An African mother will do just about anything to protect her child. Bilaly is a simple peasant who i...
Lexi, a struggling young mom, has an opportunity to reconnect with her estranged family after she's ...
Alone in her apartment on Yom Kippur, Laurel sets out to make it through the day as a "good Jew".
An awkward encounter at work carries two unassuming co-workers into a dreamy holiday weekend. A week...
Two couples head for Reno to swap partners, but change their minds at the last minute.
In a Post-Apocaliptic world, Franco wakes up in the middle of a field to survive a perverse game alo...
A young woman’s connection with the life force of nature. Using her taxidermy talents to “return” th...
A man plays table tennis with a robot. During the course of the game the robot increasingly take on ...
While being interviewed for a documentary about her deceased celebrity friend, a woman gets suspicio...
For hundreds of years the human race has looked beyond the stars for extra-terrestrial life. Every n...
For this anthology movie, producers Vestra Pictures assigned international directors with a phobia a...
A bloody, violent and disturbing retelling of Edgar Allan Poe's tale.
"To Build a Fire" is a short story by American author Jack London, published in two different versio...
High school student Kayu (Makoto Okunaka) joins the Ghost Photo Club. The club investigates and rese...
“Never Me” is a student film about Serafina, a 16-year-old girl who endures the tribulations of atte...
In Timothy Leong's debut short film, Howie and his daughter, Jane, get into a fight on the roof of a...
A young man discovers holes in his hands, which he soon realises are spreading.
When Wolf refuses to fight his best friend Alexander during a weekly boxing match, the whole village...
Behind the scenes documentary on the making of the film.
Ben wants nothing more than to have his estranged 15-year-old daughter, Victoria, back in his life. ...