This documentary film follows the journey of former student activist and current political staffer Chen Ting-hao after his decision to escape the cynical politicism of Taipei City to the political backwater of Matsu, an island group administered by Taiwan less than a dozen kilometers off the coast of China. The narrative follows Ting-hao as he reflects on how his political idealism fits in with everyday political reality and ponders Taiwan’s complex political landscape, Taiwan’s relations with a meddlesome yet surprisingly indifferent China, and the perspectives of Matsu residents on Taiwan-China affairs.
As dawn breaks over Taipei, a whole world comes to life around the Luzhou temple night market, only ...
This program illustrates how video activists have developed sophisticated use of small format video,...
Two girls in the bloom of youth meet at a vocational training program. Afterwards, their lives move ...
Taipeilove* is a documentary on the perception of homosexuality in the Taiwanese society. As Taiwan ...
Taiwan is at the heart of a struggle between two nuclear powers – China and the United States - and ...
China keeps claiming sovereignty over Taiwan. The USA believes the Tech industry of the island natio...
This film follows the lives of undocumented Vietnamese workers in Taiwan doing odd jobs to survive, ...
'Peng! Snowman' is a feature length documentary about a farmer's son who became one of the worldwide...
Hong Kong and Taiwan are 2 islands inextricably linked by their huge neighbour. Modern metropolises ...
The essence of progress in civilization has always been handiwork. In traditional Chinese civilizati...
With Taiwan remaining in the grip of martial law in 1982, a group of filmmakers from that country se...
As soon as he came to power in 2012, Xi Jinping clearly stated his ambition for a national renaissan...
The Pearl Jam Movie!! That’s right. Made in 1995 by the band when Jack Irons was drummer and filmed ...
A documentary produced by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that covers the histor...
I enjoy religion, I appreciate belief systems and how they offer structure to people's lives. I also...
The rural Taiwanese outer islands of Kinmen sit merely 2 miles off the coast of China. Kinmen attrac...
A documentary of 24th April, 1970 assassination of Chiang Ching-kuo.