In a tiny rural village in Argentina, Rita Lopez, a pious yet insatiably competitive woman, discover...
Felipe a wealthy businessman who has been quadriplegic, due to an accident, is looking for a therape...
A conflicted animation filmmaker travels to Argentina chasing after a girl he met online, only to en...
Dean has been stumped for some time in his attempt to produce a follow-up to "I was a Teenage Speed ...
By a quiet gas station in rural Buenos Aires, a young kid, Ernesto, confesses to his friend that he ...
Remo's self-destructive behavior overshadows his talent. Abril, an upcoming jockey, is pregnant with...
In her new comedy special, Malena Pichot stars as Eleonore von Schwarzenberg, an European vampire pr...
A broken heart makes Sergio reject the city......A city full of late adolescents, girls that make yo...
El Mono relojero is a 1938 Argentine animated short film directed by Quirino Cristiani. It is the on...
At age 42, Rafael Belvedere is having a crisis. He lives in the shadow of his father, he feels guilt...
A miserable Argentine troupe of actors, dancers, musicians, filmmakers and a girl embark on a theatr...
Víctor Tellez is an intellectual, world-weary film critic who prefers to think in French and eschew ...
Mario Santos, Pablo Lamponne, Emilio Ravenna and Gabriel Medina return.
The story—in which an American heiress on holiday in South America falls in love with an Argentine h...
Two friends are looking to earn easy money by gathering people to help them deposit a large sum of m...
The investigation about an alleged international spy after the Nazi refugees in Argentina gives way ...
Emilio, Benito Alberto and Gino are four childhood friends who today belong to the same police group...
Charlotte Lord, a widow in her early forties and owner of Manhattan's smartest modiste shop, is abou...