A kindhearted street urchin named Aladdin embarks on a magical adventure after finding a lamp that r...
The life of 15 year old Alex is turned upside down, when his parents are divorced and find new partn...
After Homer accidentally pollutes the town's water supply, Springfield is encased in a gigantic dome...
Maureen Trant and her younger sibling Dani share a strong connection, but local boy Court Foster thr...
An endearing modern-day story about how the lovable Goof bonds with his teenage son Max on a hilario...
The story of a nine-year-old boy Denis, who first enters the circus. The new world captures his imag...
In Sara's class, the popular kids, also known as the kings and queens, are subjected to daily humili...
Ida's father suddenly gets a stroke and is rushed to the hospital, diagnosed with a deadly disease w...
Leila is the girl that everyone is in love with. Bert is in the same class as Amira, the little sist...
It's no big secret that twelve-year-old Hannes is in love with his classmate Carolin, who he compare...
Jeremy is learning cello at an arts school in New York. At school he spots Susan, who practices for ...
A teen blogger must go from downtown to a small town when an unfortunate event forces her to live wi...
Olya, a straight-A middle school student, is experiencing her parents' break-up and her first love a...
A young girl’s world transforms when her mother decides to remarry, setting off a profound journey o...
In a small town of 1960's India, where cinema is forbidden for women, a 14-year-old embarks on a que...
High school senior Tara is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or ge...
A detailed account of the Zini-Malkov story, being told by no other than themselves. A mockumentary ...
Children as real human individuals with the difficulties this involves. Anna and Peiter are 11 years...