Follows childhood friends turned professional comedians, Nick Prueher and Joe Pickett, the founders of the Found Footage Festival. When Nick and Joe book their gag strongman routine on unsuspecting morning news shows, their pranks go viral and land them in federal court with a vengeful media conglomerate. The stress of the lawsuit and pressure to continue their pranks threatens their livelihood and tests their lifelong friendship.
Marie-Philip is a PhD student and part-time professor who loves cats and Harry Potter. But one week ...
A man is haunted successively by seven women who have lost their keys. He reacts to the request that...
Three friends reunite in Athens after struggling abroad. They think of a business idea but quickly r...
A young woman's day is interrupted by the arrival of a film crew in her home, hellbent on making her...
Exploring the gritty underbelly of the stand-up comedy scene in Los Angeles.
Follow the veterans and newest class of Navy and Marine Corps flight squadron as they go through int...
In the present, artist Tom Warshaw recalls his traumatic coming of age. As a 13-year-old growing up ...
A journey into the 1920s and 1930s featuring restored and edited home movies taken by Japanese Ameri...
Concerned about a ghost potentially lurking in the bathroom, a laboratory intern hires a ghost-hunti...
May the Lord Watch follows the rise, breakup, and reunion of Little Brother, detailing the vast impa...
A chronicle of Cyndi Lauper's meteoric ascent to stardom and her profound impact on generations thro...
Join Kay Martinez as they explore the game development, character design, original soundtrack, and c...
Bill Hicks in the height of his genius. Recorded at the Dominion Theatre in London, Hicks opens our ...
George Carlin brings his comedy back to New Jersey and this time talks about Offensive Language, Eup...
When George Carlin is asked which HBO concert is his favorite, his answer is always, "Jammin’ In New...
A has-been character actor attempts to complete a movie honoring his deceased wife, when divine inte...
A New York DEA agent springs an outlaw from jail to lead him to stolen money in South America.
To get to know his girlfriend's son, a man volunteers to pick him up from a prep school... only to l...
Pierre and Manu, accompanied by a cameraman, go to Bugarach with the aim of building a shelter to su...
Jay and Silent Bob embark on a cross-country mission to stop Hollywood from rebooting a film based o...