Combining Documentary, Black Comedy and Musical genres, this genuine film, done in collaboration wit...
The character Jonh Michael embarks on a journey to tell you everything about Tim Maia.
Shows children various reasons why they need to resist peer pressure, refuse drugs, and refuse to fo...
A chronicle of Cyndi Lauper's meteoric ascent to stardom and her profound impact on generations thro...
'An instructional film made on behalf of the Department of Social Welfare, demonstrating a new techn...
Oxana is a woman, a fighter, an artist. As a teenager, her passion for iconography almost inspires h...
Despite the 1960s free-love and alternative culture, many women found that their lives and expectati...
A collective work created by students of Bachillerato Popular Mocha Celis in Buenos Aires, the first...
An educational film about the life cycles of various types of pond life.
Examines the life, work, and cultural significance of Gloria Anzaldúa, poet and visual artist, and t...
Examining Bible accounts of faithful servants of old bolsters our faith that Jehovah protects those ...
Peaches - artist, feminist, rock star. She has been challenging gender stereotypes for over 20 years...
Journeying across Varanasi, Lucknow, and Muzzafarpur in India, this documentary film traces the lost...
"Granddaughters of Witches"? A discussion about the reality of the modern woman. Featuring anthropol...
A year in the life of one of America's most innovative classrooms where students design & build ...
This documentary examines the media's coverage of the Canadian federal election of May 1979. Filmed ...
Against the stereotypes of the “ideal” woman and the symbols of Pornography, the women in the works ...