Back in 1999 a group of comedians got together for a late night TV comedy show. Ten weeks later, th...
A message from Jim Morrison in a dream prompts cable access TV stars Wayne and Garth to put on a roc...
A player in a famous orchestra finds sexual experiences with a Russian opera singer, which he enjoys...
Karanina "Nina" Novak, is befriended by Nifty, the leader of a four-piece orchestra, and in return, ...
Hannes Engel is a successful radio presenter in the countryside. By chance, he is heard by program d...
It's graduation day at Huntington Hills High, and you know what that means - time to party. And not ...
Determined to learn about her boyfriend's past relationships, Stacy -- who works for a talk show -- ...
Čeda is a clerk, pushed around by everyone. He is "everybody's girl". He walks his poodle, makes cof...
Charles Duchemin, a well-known gourmet and publisher of a famous restaurant guide, is waging a war a...
Unfolding during a 2004 episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, fitness trainer Richard Simmons makes a...
When a celebrated TV show host returns to his hometown in the South, his family is there to remind h...
Two troubled men face their terrible destinies and events of their past as they join together on a m...
Mother and daughter bicker over everything -- what Anna wears, whom she likes and what she wants to ...
Jerry Springer stars as more or less himself, the host of a raunchy, controversial and popular Los A...
A grieving comedian was invited to a talk show, hoping to gain support from the audience. However, w...
The show takes stand-up comedy as a carrier, inviting guests from different circles to conduct an "a...