On the occasion of his last regulars’ table in his old neighbourhood of Schwabing, the laconic pensioner Schorsch gets paid a cab drive to his new home in Neuperlach in the outskirts of the city by his pals. But Schorsch rather wants to take one last look at his old downtown apartment which he had renovated himself after the war, and where he had lived for almost forty years until his landlord bullied him out of there as the latter wanted to use the space for expensive luxury apartments. Because Schorsch’s wife wanted to move to “the countryside”, they thereupon moved to the Neuperlach development site in the outskirts of Munich. But amongst the uniformly looking housing blocks, Schorsch can’t even find his new apartment, and so, the grumpy cabdriver Gustl becomes his companion on a nightly odyssey.
A 10 minute demo reel for a proposed TV series based on the Tony Rome PI movies. With an original sc...
A ten-year-old Israeli boy whose father died years earlier during the Six-Day-War is determined to f...
One-off special Benny taped in 1990, with outdoor scenes made in New York. Highlights of this part i...
Oksana (played by Sofia Rotaru) is a young and beautiful Carpathian girl. On the "Donetsk-Verkhovyna...
Wilshire Pig and Sheldon Snail discover a map to uncover Doctor Frankenswine's monster. All kinds of...
On a business trip to Tokyo, Sebastian explores the city with a mysterious woman he keeps running in...
14-year old Steve is caught between creatures he does not fully understand: two parents with very di...
The Kuwaiti short film العاصفة (The Storm) explores Kuwait's social and economic shifts before and a...
A look behind the lens of Christopher Nolan's space epic.
Ziggy gets a job to be a street Santa on Christmas Eve from a crooked boss, but the magic of the sea...
The Winter Feast is Po's favorite holiday. Every year he and his father hang decorations, cook toget...
A common day in Stockholm some people face major changes. The owner of a fur shop meets an animal ri...
Sensing that his canine companion is a bit down in the mouth, Charlie Brown organizes a Daisy Hill P...
A hot, thirsty man in the desert is tormented when the things he needs drop from the sky only to dis...
On a strip of film exist a pile of clothes and two men in bags. The two men conduct their lives in i...
A lamb that had wandered off plays a significant part in the Nativity.
A group of British children aged 7 from widely ranging backgrounds are interviewed about a range of ...
The Viennese cab driver Maggy has all kinds of problems, not least monetary ones. But suddenly Maggy...