An expansive Russian drama, this film focuses on the life of revered religious icon painter Andrei Rublev. Drifting from place to place in a tumultuous era, the peace-seeking monk eventually gains a reputation for his art. But after Rublev witnesses a brutal battle and unintentionally becomes involved, he takes a vow of silence and spends time away from his work. As he begins to ease his troubled soul, he takes steps towards becoming a painter once again.
Two girls take justice into their own hands after friends and counselors brush aside their accusatio...
Peppino Impastato is a quick-witted lad growing up in 1970s Sicily. Despite hailing from a family wi...
Years after their teenage daughter’s death, Lois and Doug Riley, an upstanding Indiana couple, are f...
The film centres on Moncho and his coming-of-age experience in Galicia in 1936. Moncho develops a cl...
The film portrays MacArthur's life from 1942, before the Battle of Bataan, to 1952, the time after h...
A dark thriller about a successful businesswoman and her young assistant who toy with a slow-witted ...
A teacher conducts an experiment in an American high school where students learn how easy it is to b...
About to executed by the forces of the Antichrist, a fundamentalist Christian guerrilla is rescued b...
Sarı Zeybek is a 1953 biopic film written and directed by Münir Hayri Egeli. The film specifically s...
The life story of acclaimed American choreographer Alvin Ailey.
Irena Sendler is a Catholic social worker who has sympathized with the Jews since her childhood, whe...
At the turn of the 20th century, young Asa Yoelson decides to go against the wishes of his cantor fa...
Alfredo S. Lim has just been awarded as one of Manila's ten most outstanding policemen. The celebrat...
A native of Sennwald, Anna Göldi arrived in Glarus in 1765. For seventeen years, she worked as a mai...
Using historically-accurate, battle-filled re-enactments and interviews with expert historians and n...
Reporter Judith Wilkes leaves her husband and two sons in Sydney and goes to Malaysia to cover the s...
The life of Katherine of Alexandria. Constantine joins the Roman army to find his missing childhood ...
In 1939, Charlotte Salomon leaves Berlin to seek refuge at her grandparents' villa in the south of F...