Three distinct tales unfold in the bustling city of Tokyo. Merde, a bizarre sewer-dweller, emerges from a manhole and begins terrorizing pedestrians. After his arrest, he stands trial and lashes out at a hostile courtroom. A man who has resigned himself to a life of solitude reconsiders after meeting a charming pizza delivery woman. And finally, a happy young couple find themselves undergoing a series of frightening metamorphoses.
Many loosely connected characters cross paths in this film, based on the stories of Raymond Carver. ...
A fatalistic car crash in Mexico city sets off a chain of events in the lives of three people: a sup...
In Babel, a tragic incident involving an American couple in Morocco sparks a chain of events for fou...
Created by gay directors and actors, Boys On Film features numerous award-winning shorts that deal w...
Created by gay directors and actors, Boys On Film features numerous award-winning shorts that deal w...
Elliot Tittensor (TV's Shameless) stars as Daz in headlining film PROTECT ME FROM WHAT I WANT, a gri...
Horror anthology consisting of three episodes directed by Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall and Mic...
A supermarket clerk decides to step in for an absent drug dealer, setting off an explosive, comedic ...
Four different women discuss life, love and marriage with people from their past and present during ...
A mysterious woman, known as Madame M, kidnaps forty pre-teen girls and transports them to a remote ...
This gripping sci-fi anthology film features five thrilling stories about space travel and black hol...
Professor Philip Goodman devotes his life to exposing phony psychics and fraudulent supernatural she...
In the wake of Pearl Harbor, a young lieutenant leaves his expectant wife to volunteer for a secret ...
The Master’s late-night diner welcomes a woman troubled by funeral fans, an elderly scam victim, and...
Pitch: A student gets absurd while working in a baseball club, and depicts the conflict that takes p...
Horror and Science fiction anthology from Japan
In three separate segments, set respectively in 1966, 1911, and 2005, three love stories unfold betw...
A collection of seven vignettes, which each address a question concerning human sexuality. From aphr...
Snow White must flee from her evil stepmother. She's taken in by the lovable seven dwarves. Will the...