A 2005 és 2011 között készült Ammen című dokumentumfilm egy kis szatmári falu cigány-sorának életébe nyújt betekintést. Az utca lakói egy ameriaki pásztor vezetésével hat évvel ezelőtt "bemerítkeztek" és felvették a baptista vallást. Hozott-e változást életükbe a hit? Segített-e a boldogulásban? Mennyire kitartó, mély az Istenhitük? Miért fontos a karizmatikusság? Lehet-e a vallás közösség-összetartó erő? A film - többek között - ezekre a kérdésekre keresi a választ.
Documentary by Andrew Buchanan illustrating a time when faith lay at the heart of the British Experi...
How do you reconcile a commitment to non-violence when faced with violence? Why do the poor often se...
An intimate portrayal of the everyday lives of Carthusian monks of the Grande Chartreuse, high in th...
Looming world government, a world "elite", The United Nations...loss of American sovereignty! The li...
In this two-part Channel 4 series, Professor Richard Dawkins challenges what he describes as 'a proc...
Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about the...
One man's journey into the world of the so-called 'Bloodline' conspiracy, at the heart of Dan Brown'...
A documentary about the confluence of Christianity and mixed martial arts, including ministries whic...
Documentary drama Partisan Priest is based on the dramatic life story of Slovenian priest and partis...
It seems that in recent years Angel sightings and experiences are everywhere. Perhaps this is becaus...
Two days in the life of priest Father Fred Stadtmuller whose New Mexico parish is so large he can on...
Meet the Mormons examines the very diverse lives of six devout Mormons. Filmed on location and acros...
RROMANI SOUL traces the true origin of the Rroma people. Through rituals, song and dance we follow e...
Documentary written and presented by scientist Richard Dawkins, in which he seeks to expose "those a...
Welcome to the picturesque world of the Kaldarash Roma – a closed community of no more than 1 millio...
The Athos peninsula in Greece is one of Europe's last secrets. Over 2000 monks live on Athos - cut o...
The Movie "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America" uncovers the true identity of the Children of ...
A top executive who can't bear to regard himself as a loser, even after nearly dying in the New York...
Julia Sweeney's third autobiographical monologue, Letting Go of God takes the audience through her C...