harming drama set in a rural area of post-war Iran. This heartwarming story follows a thoughtful young woman who serves as a leader to the community and a seemingly naive young man who is smitten with a local girl. The film observes their customs and traditions in the tranquil setting of their natural environment. Despite the irreparable damage to their lives due to the war, the villagers remain warm-hearted and kind to those they encounter. The past haunts their lives, but their hearts remain pure and strong in war torn times.
Jiro Sawada is a sophomore in high school when a false accusation drives him out his hometown: a sma...
Dash and his best friend Assaf are preparing for another year at Tides High School muckraking on beh...
Clover is finishing a veterinary course when her brother dies and she is called home to her family's...
An experimental short film about the Earthquake, that is still ongoing in Turkey.
Based on author's childhood memories of the devastating 1988 Spitak earthquake. The father and his t...
A single mother suffers a devastating stroke leaving her teenage daughter and 7-year-old son to care...
During an earthquake, a frantic man falls down a stairwell and "dies" yet his soul remains trapped i...
Grand Canyon revolved around six residents from different backgrounds whose lives intertwine in mode...
When carefree Nyles and reluctant maid of honor Sarah have a chance encounter at a Palm Springs wedd...
An orphaned brontosaurus named Littlefoot sets off in search of the legendary Great Valley. A land o...
Various interconnected people struggle to survive when an earthquake of unimaginable magnitude hits ...
After his young lover, Gitone, leaves him for another man, Encolpio decides to kill himself, but a s...
Many loosely connected characters cross paths in this film, based on the stories of Raymond Carver. ...
A geologist races against time to save his estranged wife and two children when a devastating earthq...
While doing a series of reports on alternative energy sources, opportunistic reporter Kimberly Wells...
After the death of his parents, Jimmy uproots his life to live with his grandparents in Black Hawk, ...
Two brothers have half of a powerful ancient Chinese talisman. An evil gang leader has the other hal...
The owner of a ranch pretends to a woman who is in love with a young blacksmith and spur craftsman. ...
Eight people have to find their way out of a New York subway after being trapped following an earthq...
After the devastating Spitak earthquake of December 7th, Konstantin Berezhnoy, a 50-year-old Russian...