Nominated for an Academy Award, this live-action short film playfully chronicles the construction of...
Bauta is a short documentary that explores public, monumental buildings in Norway - stone and concre...
A visual journey through Norwegian modernist church architecture. A short documentary film that pays...
Architecture is often seen from the outside, as an inanimate object represented in still imagery. ‘R...
'Magical Imperfection' tells the inspirational story of world-renowned Canadian architect Raymond Mo...
A building lost in the midst of a 5 000 hectare park, that's the equivalent of the surface of Paris,...
This documentary film goes beyond the walls and hedges of Mid-Century homes that were built in neigh...
The memory of Piero Portaluppi, a Milanese architect who reached the peak of his fame during the 20 ...
A documentary focusing on the rebuilding projects in Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Arata Isozaki: Early Work in Japan takes a detailed look at the architect's pieces, exploring applau...
In the same vein as Meri's other documentations, this one takes advantage of the glasnost policy to ...
French architect Jean Nouvel has long been known in Europe for his bold, shimmering glass museums, c...
Not many people know that there is in the center of Hong Kong, a city of 50,000 inhabitants that esc...
Art critic Waldemar Januszczak is on the quest to explain exactly what the Sistine Chapel's ceiling ...
Explore the revolutionary engineering behind Paris’s iconic landmark. Completed in just over two yea...
Demolition of the old and building of the new Kunsthalle in Mannheim in the years 2013 to 2018.
Revisiting the genre of the road movie in a very diaristic and personal way, the film takes us on bo...
A portrait of the renowned Finnish architect and designer Alvar Aalto by the radical experimental fi...
A cultural-historical portrait of the renowned and enigmatic architect Sigurd Lewerentz, who rarely ...