This Pixar documentary short follows Sarah Vowell, who plays herself as the title character, on why she is a superhero in her own way. (This short piece is included on the 2-Disc DVD for "The Incredibles", which was released in 2005.
This short travelogue depicts snippets of locations in Hollywood, California, most of them as seen f...
Refuge(e) traces the incredible journey of two refugees, Alpha and Zeferino. Each fled violent threa...
Working men and women leave through the main gate of the Lumière factory in Lyon, France. Filmed on ...
In November 2017, a devastating earthquake hit western Iran. It took only 13 seconds to lose everyth...
A fantastic short documentary that explores an event that is staged in a cave in one of the oldest f...
The documentary will feature such frequent Ivory collaborators Emma Thompson , Helena Bonham Carter ...
Documentary about the iconic portrait of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara by Cuban photographer Alberto Diaz Gu...
About the tragic fate of the Estonian artist Julo Sooster and his work.
Shot in Atlanta, this is a collection of clips of Phanphiroj talking to handsome young men he has br...
An intimate conversation between two guys...
A photographer shares unpublished images chronicling time spent among the 'fiercely independent' res...
A short documentary depicting a typical day in the life of a 1940s era flying stewardess.
A year in the life of Elsa Michaud and Gabriel Gauthier, students of Fine Arts in Paris, lovers in t...
This short documentary produced by the University of Oregon Multimedia Journalism graduate program e...
Many cities or countries have a distinct malaise. They are places that could be Portugal, so sunk in...
An attempt to erect a virtual memorial for the victims of the Bosnian war, using archive material, v...
According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, one veteran dies by suicide in America every 8...
No clothes. No apologies. This film marks artist Spencer Tunick's third 'Naked' documentary which fe...