A feature documentary presented and directed by former Royal Marines Commando Emile Ghessen. The doc...
Maurice Barrard and Liliane Bontemps met in 1973 in Peru. Four years later, they are married and sta...
Scotland in winter is an arena where mountaineers pit their skills against exacting climbs often in ...
What has four legs, five arms and three heads? The Gimp Monkeys. Craig DeMartino lost his leg after ...
Film about the singing and dancing culture of the Ingush people
Andrzej Bargiel and Jędrek Baranowski roam through Karakoram to create history. This movie is a jour...
Every year, over a thousand climbers try to reach the summit of Mount Everest, with the annual recor...
Documentary film about ethnic cleansing in the Prigorodny district in October-November 1992.
In the fifties a group of men attempted to ascend the highest peak on earth. In the same year, as th...
On some peaks in 2003, the statistics are impressive. For the K2 dubbed "wild mountain" or "ruthless...
Marcel is on the eve of his 95th birthday. He trained his two sons, Claude and Yves, in the world of...
Vivian Bruchez explores his backyard on several steep adventures in a winter of exceptional snow, i...
How was this IMPOSSIBLE movie actually filmed? Photographing the world's largest mountain in the wo...
After twenty years of international competitions, the three times Ice Climbing World Champion Angeli...