Based on a true story, this film tells the story of Chaplain Andrew Jensen, the only U.S. navy chapl...
Struggling against the totalitarian regime of occupied Soviet Latvia, a talented young doctor is str...
Based on the novel by Charles de Coster "The Legend of Thyl Ulenspiegel and Lamme Goedzak, and their...
An aging actor remembers his past stage triumphs and contemplates a dim future on the stage of an em...
Lalo is a little boy who lives in an orphanage and dreams of singing in the choir of the church. His...
Witty, playful and utterly magical, the story is a compelling romantic adventure in which Rosalind a...
Though her marriage with rich businessman Chan Hak-lit is crumbling, Anna Poon refuses to accept her...
Markuss must adapt to a new life living with his granny in the countryside. After Emīlija – a neighb...
When a cynical ex-TV news anchor gets an alarming call on his radio show, he sees a chance for a car...
When his father flees from debt, carefree college student Osamu sees his life turn upside-down. Expe...
Casual encounter or not? When a young man meets an old man, the generation conflict between them le...
Raimonds Pauls is almost 85 years old, rehearses almost every day and performs at least once a week....
Chan Sai-wah abides by his late father's word and marries the wealthy Yam Suk-kuen. They have a son,...
Faye, a former actress that lost her vision due to botched laser eye surgery, struggles to put her l...
The unhappy female editor of a fashion magazine is undergoing psychoanalysis.
Journalist Michael Ausiello embarks on a rollercoaster ride of emotions when Kit Cowan, his partner ...
Renowned German organist Anna discovers her Latvian husband's involvement in a corruption scandal, s...
St. John’s Night is a traditional midsummer Latvian celebration where family and friends get togethe...
Based on the play of the same name by Anton Chekhov. About the searches and doubts of the Russian i...