Documentary about the oppression of a group of a families of the MST, the Brazilian Landless Workers...
"Subversivas" is a documentary that reveals the brazilian military dictatorship from the perspective...
The series tells the story of the São Paulo International Film Festival, one of the most traditional...
'Fired Up, Ready To Go' follows a number of hopeful and, above all, fanatical grassroots campaigners...
In 1981, seven Libyan exiles formed the core opposition group to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Thirty yea...
While traveling undercover throughout Burma, Henry Rollins exposes the country's repressive military...
There was a time in Argentina, not so long ago, when the army wasn't only one, official, but many an...
After decades of fascist rule in Chile, Patricio Guzmán returns to his country to screen his documen...
When Mariana connects the Military Dictatorship's violent legacy as the structure behind Brazilian f...
A feature-length documentary about the Free Kevin movement and the hacker world.
On June 3, 1973, a man was murdered in a busy intersection of San Francisco’s Chinatown as part of a...
Carlos Eugênio Paz recalls his participation in the armed struggle against the military dictatorship...
“Let’s Do It!” is a story about how a national cleanup campaign in a small European country grew int...
An elderly choir group brings back erased violent history by singing songs that were written in pris...