Brilliantly mixing animated sequences and archival footage, Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre paints a touchi...
The whole world knows him. Burlesque comedy genius, popular actor, author, director, producer, compo...
Examination of the modern old man, Gösta Lindén talks about the life he has lead and his present lif...
Rolland, a 70 year-old man, exiled by his family due to his sexual orientation, makes peace with the...
Annedore takes care of orphan birds. They give her that which humans througout her turbulent life co...
Sylvia Kristel – Paris is a portrait of Sylvia Kristel , best known for her role in the 1970’s eroti...
Carried by an immersive sound environment that plunges us in the reality and the perceptions of thes...
When the world was on fire, they called Hans Blix. This is how the Swedish diplomat is introduced in...
Interview with Jarl Kulle cut together with a summary of his career.
Made in 1982 but banned until 1987, "Hà Nội trong mắt ai" is a Vietnamese documentary film using his...
Since her debut at the age of 18, musician, civil rights campaigner and activist Joan Baez has been ...
What has four legs, five arms and three heads? The Gimp Monkeys. Craig DeMartino lost his leg after ...
In Bern, Madame Mercedes has been working for 35 years in her car as a prostitute. An intimate and s...
When Ines died, she left a very particular legacy, 10 books that read 'For my children'; it was the ...