Animated-family adventure based on a true story that tells the heart-warming, coming-of-age story of a man and his best-friend, a lovable and fearless dog named, Jock. Set in the Bushveld near what is today the world famous Kruger National Park, this animated family tale is about Jock's adventures with Fritz, his master. Jock escapes death, builds crazy friendships and displays his unrivalled loyalty to Fritz. The story is set in the late 1880s when Africa's mineral richness, teeming animal life and incomparable natural beauty drew and captivated explorers and adventurers from all over the world. A place where big game roamed in their thousands and the wildest tales were true! Jock Of The Bushveld is a great story and the only animal classic to come out of Africa.
Soledad, a girl tired of being a taxi driver in Buenos Aires, travels with her car to Patagonia. Sh...
Eight years after the third film, the OSS has become the world's top spy agency, while the Spy Kids ...
Cane Toads: The Conquest is a comic yet provocative account of Australia’s most notorious environmen...
The heartwarming tale of four lively young teens (who just happen to be hamsters) on a questto find ...
Mad scientist brings Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and Frankenstein's Monster to life... but ther...
Like Fantasia (1940) or Allegro Non Troppo (1977), L'Opéra Imaginaire (1993) is an assembly of anima...
Based on the classic Marlene Dietrich song this 3-D film explodes and celebrates the clichés and myt...
Elmer Fudd attends a musical concert, only to find it's Daffy Duck performing a song about escaping ...
Alexandra D'Artagnan, junior member of NSA uncovers a conspiracy that the goal is to assassinate the...
A concert documentary shot during the Glee Live! In Concert! summer 2011 tour, featuring song perfor...
A smuggler (Dennis O'Keefe) buys a bride (Patricia Medina) in San Francisco to help him run guns in ...
The movie begins with an extraterrestrial humanoid species, the Glegoliths, wandering through space ...
On New Year's Eve 1999, as a group of neurotic characters gather at a Greenwich Village apartment, e...
In this 3-D science fiction film that was shown at Disney theme parks, the infamous Captain EO and h...
Set on the subterranean Mine-World, a band of human worker are treated like slaves under the power o...
Through stop motion, a car is built piece-by-piece in 3-D with the added enhancement of music and so...
A young musician and singer named Johnny has been notified by a law firm that his mother, an aging r...
Young, innocent, and quirky June (Felicia Day), a violinist, spends her days working in an oddball V...
A realtor finds himself accompanied by two ghostly entities inside a mansion. He learns of a violent...
Ziyi has been haunted by the same dream for years: In the dream, she would stand alone on a wastelan...