Filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his rural Michigan hometown following the death of his infa...
Ibogaine is a plant extract that stops drug addiction. In this documentary, a 34-year-old heroin add...
The 60s equivalent of Reefer Madness and all those other 30s drug exploitation flicks. Apparently, d...
Examines the intergenerational impact of addiction by chronicling the love, labor, loss, and uncerta...
Homeless man Robert (Bobby) Webb discovers the art of filmmaking, turning pages of his life into a h...
Italian-born Laura Huxley, a teenage violin virtuoso, played for European royalty and made her Ameri...
A collaborative video and activism project between long-time community filmmaker Rebecca Garrett and...
The true-life story of a Harlem's notorious Nicky Barnes, a junkie turned multimillionaire drug-lord...
A year in the company of Scottish writer Irvine Welsh, as he publishes a new novel, launches a recor...
Life has not been kind to Giacobbe Fragomeni. He spent his childhood in the bleak outskirts of Milan...
Chester P (Real talk records) takes a film crew with him on a journey as he attempts to find the tru...
Shot over the course of 18 months in New York City's Lower East Side, METHADONIA sheds light on the ...
Homeless student in New York City documents her family struggles.
Located in Carcavelos, Quinta Nova de Santo António, or Quinta dos Ingleses, as it is recognized by ...
Documentary tells the story of Maxim Vakhmin, a veritable alleycat of a man. Revered as both an ange...
Moving Day tells the story of the people who were left outside – quite literally – during a global p...
Documentary movie about a Finnish professional ice hockey player, Jere Karalahti. More than 50 peopl...
Robert Mitchum narrates an anti drug propaganda film.
Chasing The Lion is the story of Lionel Sanders' ascent from drug abuse and mental illness to one of...