An enigmatic presence haunts the depths of the Amazon rainforest, where an indigenous Achuar teenager has disappeared. During the search for the young man, his family decides to consult with a Shaman, who, immersed in trance, reveals that the young man was taken by the devil, but that he has intervened by showing him the way back to his home. While waiting for his return, secrets of the rainforest and Amazonian visions of life after death are touched, vanishing the documentary filmmaker’s concepts of reality.
In Dark Green we follow conservationist and storyteller Paul Rosolie deep into the jungle of the Ama...
Sujin and her grandmother are shamans living in the mountains. It is their important daily routine t...
Sisters Katherine and Sheila Lyon vanish from a Wheaton, Maryland mall in 1975, launching a 40-year ...
Documentary on the disappearance of a French journalist.
Over the centuries, explorers traded tales of a lost civilization amid the dense Amazonian rainfores...
An environmental account of Henry Ford’s Amazon experience decades after its failure. The story addr...
In Peruvian Amazonia, for the first time in many years, a Shipibo–Konibo community prepare to perfor...
The documentary recreates the mythical journey made by the native peoples of Sarayaku in the Amazon,...
Explore the mysterious Amazon through the amazing IMAX experience. Amazon celebrates the beauty, vit...
A vision from Limbo, where the canoeist of the eternal lake floats in his boat, between sleep and wa...
Benito Arévalo is an onaya: a traditional healer in a Shipibo-Konibo community in Peruvian Amazonia....
Herlinda Augustin is a Shipibo healer who lives with her family in Peruvian Amazonia. Will she and o...
Four Westerners with various ailments travel to Peruvian Amazonia to drink ayahuasca, a traditional ...
American tourists at SpiritQuest Sanctuary, a medicine lodge in Peru, share their thoughts about the...
Two storytellers put forth their versions of the story of Shravan Kumar. The art for the film uses p...
A life documentary of a woman who was shunned for being possessed by spirits as a girl, oppressed fo...
In May 2003, around 30 women and children were murdered in the Ecuadorian jungle. The victims belong...
Part documentary/part dramatization, this film details several of the highest-profile unsolved cases...
James, giving himself 12 months before he has "a license to kill himself," sets off to the Amazon ra...
Best friends travel though Latin America meeting shamans, experimenting with plant medicines, and wo...