This feature length documentary tells the story of Mahani Teave who grew up on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and left at age 9 to pursue her dream of being classical pianist-a journey that takes her from mainland Chile to The Cleveland Music Institute to Berlin and the great concert halls of Europe. At the age of 30, on the brink of international success, Teave gives up her career to pursue a new dream, coming back full circle to Rapa Nui to found a free music school for the island's children. The resulting school-named Toki, after the basalt tool once used to shape Easter Island's iconic sculptures-is a model of sustainability, incorporating tons of tires, bottles and Pacific Ocean plastic; surrounded by agri-environmental gardens to grow food. With Toki, Mahani hopes to shape a bold new future for Rapa Nui and inspire hope and change on Earth, our island home.
This is a film about Ludwig Wittgenstein and Arnold Schoenberg; two men whose lives and ideas run pa...
A Scottish boat builder and fisherman perseveres in turning a vessel into an innovative solar-powere...
This documentary portrait, the first television biography of Rattle for 15 years, follows him throug...
A documentary that explores the challenges that a life in music can bring.
April 5th, 2000... On the heels of their unanimously acclaimed albums "Appalachia Waltz" and "Appala...
Can a work of art remain relevant 200 years after its creation? Ludwig van Beethoven’s last complete...
A look at the activities of the Tanglewood Music Center, America's renowned summer Academy for talen...
The great composer of The Planets, Gustav Holst also taught himself Sanskrit, lived in a street of b...
Three young prodigies and their families exploring the popular and competitive world of piano playin...
Journeying across Varanasi, Lucknow, and Muzzafarpur in India, this documentary film traces the lost...
King Lines follows Chris Sharma on his search for the planet's greatest climbs. From South American ...
Presents Handel as a key figure in the development of Baroque music. Illustrates with musical select...
The Antidote weaves together stories of everyday people who are making the intentional choice to lif...
Go behind the scenes with one of London's most important musical institutions.
Avant-garde composer John Cage is famous for his experimental pieces and "chance music" but temporar...
Brilliantly mixing animated sequences and archival footage, Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre paints a touchi...