He was one of the most notorious Nazi war criminals, infamous for his assassination attempts on twins. But at the end of World War II, he simply disappeared...
In the small town of Rechnitz a terrible crime against humanity was performed during the holocaust. ...
The classic movie "The Great Escape" was based on a real life escape attempt during the second world...
During the Japanese occupation of China, two prisoners are dumped in a peasant's home in a small tow...
Daniel lives in Bernau, a small town north of Berlin.This film tells this 21-year-old’s story and de...
Danny La Rue stars in this 1970s drag comedy as Fred Wimbush, a Shakespearean actor who is drafted i...
A fiction piece centered around the Czech resistance to the Nazis.
France, 1940. In the first days of occupation, beautiful Lucile Angellier is trapped in a stifled ex...
General Candy, who's overseeing an English squad in 1943, is a veteran leader who doesn't have the r...
Year 1943. A group of soldiers, carrying an injured comrade, are trying to reach the hospital.
A driver is tasked with sending weapons illegally to the partisan soldiers.
Story depicting the national liberation struggle of the Albanian people against the Italian and Germ...
This Danish movie "Out of The Darkness" ( in Danish 'De Forbandede år 2' ) is a continuation of th...
Matt Walsh's controversial doc challenges radical gender ideology through provocative interviews and...
A journey into the 1920s and 1930s featuring restored and edited home movies taken by Japanese Ameri...
United States Navy Training Film produced under the supervision to the Bureau of Aeronautics by Walt...
The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join...
England, World War II. Quint Munroe, RAF officer and new leader of a Mosquito squadron, is tasked wi...