An animated short documentary about Ernst Berliner, a Jewish track cycling manager from Cologne and his quest to launch a post-war criminal investigation into the death of his friend Albert Richter, a former amateur track cycling world champion who was killed by the Gestapo in 1940.
Step into our world, as we bring you a raw look at the talents of the next wave of riders and photog...
In 1928 an under-resourced and untested team from New Zealand and Australia competed in what is cons...
This short film, produced at the end of WWII, warns that although Adolf Hitler is dead, his ideas li...
The two friends have traveled the world for many mountainous adventures, but while skiing in distant...
An exploration of cycling culture through the eyes of Ayesha McGowan who rose through the ranks of t...
Historic archives shed new light on the secret history of Klaus Barbie, head of the Gestapo in Lyon ...
In 1988, Tilda Swinton toured round the Berlin Wall on a bicycle - starting and ending at the Brande...
The Impossible Hour is a concentrated study of Ole Ritter's attempt in Mexico City in 1974 to set a ...
Filmed on location, Flandrien tells the story of the Flanders region of Belgium. Rich in history, fu...
In 1998 Marco Pantani, the most flamboyant and popular cyclist of his era, won both the Tour de Fran...
Documentary looking at a century of cycling. Commissioned to mark the arrival of the 2014 Tour de Fr...
From his humble beginnings in his hometown of Sheffield, England, Steve Peat has established himself...
A cinematic mountain-bike film. Featuring some of the sports biggest athletes. The ninth feature fro...
Deep in the coast mountains of BC, a small crew of filmmakers has spent the last eleven months huddl...
A collection of short Unicycling documentaries, featuring Kris Holm and Nathan Hoover.
Life Cycles tells a spectacular story of the bike, from its creation to its eventual demise. A visua...
United by their renegade spirit and a determination to win against substantial odds, these riders ta...