The film follows the story of Ellie, a young girl from a violent home. The 9-year-old seems to escape from her harsh reality by spending her days in the woods of a nearby scrapyard with her friend, Pete. There, the pair have built a new home for themselves. One night, after witnessing the horrifying abuse of her mother, Ellie decides to come back home and confront her stepfather.
Mikael Blomkvist, publisher of Millennium magazine, has made his living exposing the crooked and cor...
High school teacher Cheng looks back to his repressed childhood memories, as he finds an anonymous s...
Lorna is a young Albanian woman in a marriage of convenience with Claudy, a heroin addict. Just as L...
Padraig, a guilt laden and grief stricken man seeks the help of an eccentric carpenter, John, to hel...
Susana is a citizen who resides somewhere in Mexico City. Throughout this story, Susana goes through...
A young woman fakes her own death in an attempt to escape her nightmarish marriage, but discovers it...
Angie is a working class woman. After being fired, she decides to set up a recruitment agency of her...
A young immigrant’s life comes crashing down when he gets a distressing phone call from his home cou...
When a young couple involved in care proceedings travel across the country to collect a motorbike, t...
TO THE BONE is classic kitchen sink, British drama with a revenge twist. It focuses on the injustice...
When Naomi refuses to be exploited in her oppressive cleaning job, she must convince her colleagues ...
Southern matriarch Madea has a lot on her plate. Her nieces, Vanessa and Lisa, have relationship tro...
Based on a Poem by Fabi De Luca She always thought something like this wouldn‘t happen to her. No ...
In this modern adaptation of the classic Greek myth two young lovers bound by a tragic fate plot to ...
Charles, an attorney, and Helen, his devoted wife, seem to have everything – money, a beautiful mans...
"Scars," is a short film that explores the horror of domestic abuse. The story follows James through...
Young, impulsive Rosetta lives a hard and stressful life as she struggles to support herself and her...
Following the death of her mother, terminally ill Aubrey tracks down her estranged father, Doug, an ...
Stockholm, in the 1950s. Erik is expelled from the local school for getting into one brawl too many...