Space Case follows Bobbie Almond, a social outcast who has dreams to escape her small town life. She has a ticket to Mars! But when Bobbie's ticket to a new life gets stolen by her super Preppy sister, she's forced down a road of conformity, to be a part of the town's Beauty pageant! Will she conform? Or will she bail and follow her dreams!
CREMASTER 1 (1995) is a musical revue performed on the blue Astroturf playing field of Bronco Stadiu...
Followup movie to the TV series about 250,000 aliens, or "newcomers" as they are known, who have by ...
An account of the most important event in recorded history.
Lucy and Viv clean up messes for the county, and they're having a bad day. Viv's husband has just le...
Dave Chapelle tells a few stories from his childhood, including his early career as a comic and bein...
It’s a Date is a culmination of his preoccupations, a weird but humanistic look at a couple on a fir...
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answ...
Henry and Johnnie need to clean the apartment before the wives get home.
Three delegates from Sweden, Norway and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide which piece of art...
How can you lose weight in a flash? Holding your breath may do magic…
A policeman unintentionally wrecks havoc when he installs a traffic light in a small, rural communit...
When it comes to differences of opinion during Karl und Kasimirs' daily preperations, a heated discu...
After mysteriously awakening in a barren alien landscape, a self-serving prisoner must conquer a ser...
Set in the late 1950s, in a retro futuristic world, widowed father Richard arrives home from work to...
Set 15 years after "Twentieth Century Boys," Kanna (Airi Taira) reunites with several main character...