Directed by Franco-German duo Pierre-Emmanuel Le Goff and Jürgen Hansen, Through the Eyes of an Astronaut is a 28-minute documentary based on images shot on board (and outside) of the International Space Station (ISS) by Thomas Pesquet, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) youngest astronaut, and the 10th French astronaut to travel into space. Enjoy the highlights of his six-month space odyssey, the Proxima Mission, 400 km above the Earth. Pesquet docked with the ISS in November 2016 for a 196-day, 17-hour, and 49-minute mission. The filmmakers and Pesquet had agreed to a shooting plan before the mission, but the result exceeded their expectations! Pesquet kept a daily visual diary -he brought back more than 600 hours of footage, including 40 in IMAX format, sharing his thoughts and feelings on the beauty and fragile nature of our planet, and man’s place in the universe.
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with th...
Dramatic, moving and deeply human, ARMSTRONG offers the definitive life story of Neil Armstrong: fro...
Melvin and Buddy are two space-exploring pups on a mission. Scarfing down facts like dog biscuits is...
This film consists of three parts. The first dramatizes the life of the founder of Soviet astronauti...
Travel alongside the astronauts as they deploy and repair the Hubble Space Telescope, soar above Ven...
This film shows how far we have come since the cold-war days of the 50s and 60s. Back then the Russi...
Some 220 miles above Earth lies the International Space Station, a one-of-a-kind outer space laborat...
From the unique vantage point of 200 miles above Earth's surface, we see how natural forces - volcan...
Archival material from the original NASA film footage – much of it seen for the first time – plus in...
Uncover the little-known stories of the first Black pilots, engineers and scientists seeking to brea...
In 1962, spurred by the Cold War, President John F. Kennedy famously made the bold proclamation that...
The Wonder of it All focuses on the human side of the men behind the Apollo missions through candid ...
A testament to NASA's Apollo program of the 1960s and '70s. Composed of actual NASA footage of the m...
Top Gear presenter James May presents this informative program that examines the historic moon missi...
Astronauts Gone Wild: An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings is a 2004 document...
John Glenn goes on another journey into outer space for tests on how old age is affected there. His ...
For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as ...
National Geographic's riveting effort recounts all 12 crewed missions using only archival footage, p...
Commemorating the space agency's 50th anniversary, follow John Glenn's Mercury mission to orbit the ...