After the success of the live 1957 Cinderella on CBS (with Julie Andrews), the network decided to p...
"On Broadway" featured Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, both red hot after their respective runs in ...
One Direction's first network special offers backstage footage, comical stunts and performances of s...
Faced with a holiday cheer crisis, the North Pole knows there's only one person who can save the day...
The electrifying FutureSex/LoveShow finds Justin Timberlake stunning a sold-out crowd at New York's ...
Ricky wants to give his crush Nicole a Christmas gift, but when he does she angrily rejects it as "c...
John Legend, father of two and EGOT winner, invites us to a celebration of dads with a one-hour vari...
British superstar composer Andrew Lloyd Webber is feted in this 50th birthday benefit gala produced ...
A promotional concert/behind the scenes special for the American release of Pokémon: The Movie 2000.
Filmed at their Royal Albert Hall debut gig in September 2000, Bond Live is a slick showcase for fou...
The David Lynch Foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary with an exploration of the director's use...
33 1⁄3 Revolutions per Monkee is a television special starring the Monkees that aired on NBC on Apri...
An extended dream sequence presents a biblical allegory about the creation, downfall and rebirth of ...
Mitzi Gaynor in a song and dance hour with an all-male, star-studded ensemble featuring her main gue...
A musical tribute to brothers George and Ira Gershwin
Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra host a program that's wall-to-wall music.
A benefit concert and telethon organized by George Clooney and broadcast uninterrupted and commercia...
At the height of his KOJAK TV series fame, Telly Savalas starred in this variety special that was sp...