The film follows Leo's ambitious project to make a first free ascent on the North Tower of the incredible Mt Asgard on Baffin Island deep in the Arctic. Leo teams up with fellow big wall climbing god, Stanley Leary (USA), the duo hope to make a wingsuit descent from the summit. Arriving late in the season the trip soon begins to go wrong, after a spectacular arrival skydiving over Mt Asgard, conditions turn against the team where just reaching the base of the climb becomes a massive challenge. The film produced by multi-award winner, Alastair Lee, is an all out spectacular film documenting a truly cutting edge adventure with all its twists and turns. Prior to the Baffin trip they embark on training trips to Riglos, Brento in Italy and El Cap in Yosemite.
Transforming Harry Potter’s fictional competition into a physically demanding, real-life sport, quid...
This documentary showcases basketball player Michael Jordan's awe-inspiring moves, providing behind-...
For 2009, MSP Films takes an original look at the sport of skiing. All of the skiers in the film—par...
Get ready to ride! Go around the world for the 51st time with the legendary Warren Miller and his hi...
Tensions between the USSR and the United States were high in 1959, with the seemingly constant threa...
This film follows a skilled team of four climbers (Nicolas, Olivier Favresse, Ben Ditto, Sean Villan...
A journey through the golden age of Spanish rugby, from the late eighties to the early nineties: the...
The climbing brothers Thomas and Alexander Huber (Germany) attempt to conquer free the infamous "Bav...
This 'educational documentary' features 10 gorgeous playmates competing against each other in variou...
Neverland is a state of mind, a mountain pushed up from the ground by imagination. Anyone can go but...
Indie film studio Silver Platter serves up yet another exhilarating ride through exotic and extreme ...
In 1994 filmmakers Jon Freeman and Dana Nicholson had been accumulating footage to showcase a behind...
Feature-length documentary about the greatest diver of all time. Four-time Olympic champion Greg Lou...
South Africa is home to some of the world’s best rock climbing and attracts thousands of climbers ea...
This documentary follows the feats of high-altitude climber Jerzy Kukuczka and his ascent to higher ...
The Uprising is a new movie featuring some of the hottest talents in the world of Downhill mountain ...
Surfing at Waikiki Beach, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. Most surfers are human, one is a dog. The e...
At 60, Alain Robert has become a legend around the world, a genius clairvoyant madman from whom we d...