As a new school year begins at Seisho Music Academy, nine third-year students in Class A of the Acto...
The play tells a new original story that features characters from the Shōjo☆Kageki Revue Starlight R...
Franklin Shepard is a talented Broadway composer who abandons his theater career and all his friends...
Selection of Elaine Paige’s appearances on BBC TV over her four decades in show business and musical...
Award-winning actress, singer, producer and broadcaster Elaine Paige has made a unique and major con...
Brass and percussion blend with dramatic choreography, brilliant lighting and special effects to cre...
At the Seisho Music Academy, the 99th Graduating Class is rehearsing for the annual production of th...
This fascinating documentary chronicles the intense rivalry between high schools in Southern Indiana...
"On Broadway" featured Carol Channing and Pearl Bailey, both red hot after their respective runs in ...
A backstage documentary film including footage from the legendary 1985 concert performance of Stephe...
On the centenary of Sarah Bernhardt's death, we take a look back at the whimsical life of the whimsi...
In a surreal, industrial dystopia, a travelling salesman encounters a singing behemoth. This towerin...
Revue Starlight ―The LIVE Seiran― BLUE GLITTER is a spin-off of Revue Starlight ―The LIVE― #2 Transi...
This sweet musical takes us on a cross-country trip through Senegal, from Dakar to Saint Louis in a ...
On November 6, 1975, a few days before the death of dictator Francisco Franco, the Spanish version o...
Shadowland is the first theatrical event of its kind to tour the globe! The groundbreaking new perfo...
Danny Ocean, a master swindler, is serving time, but on this day he is approved to be released on pa...
One Night of Stars The setting is in the middle of the Edo Period during the reign of Yoshimune Tok...
-- Passion - José and Carmen -- Based on motifs in Mérimée's original work "Carmen," Don José is de...