Finley, a talented aspiring violinist, meets Beckett, a famous young movie star, on the way to her college semester abroad program in a small coastal village in Ireland. An unexpected romance emerges as the heartthrob Beckett leads the uptight Finley on an adventurous reawakening, and she emboldens him to take charge of his future, until the pressures of his stardom get in the way.
Returning war veteran SFC Travis Fox has one more battle to fight – PTSD. Following an improvised ex...
An ex-gang leader comes to Christ years after the Rapture and is persecuted in a Christian containme...
The life of the Virgin Mary from the Crucifixion (33AD) till her miraculous departure/death (44AD). ...
On the third anniversary of a cult's failed chemical attack on Tokyo and their subsequent mass suici...
A starry-eyed actress with a troubled past faces her harshest critic during an interview gone wrong.
A year after the murder of her sister Zoë, Echo is determined to uncover the truth. With Zoë's diary...
God's story is unstoppable when it is in the heart language of a people group. Deaf Missions' Jesus ...
Jason, an American lawyer, poses as a john to build a legal case against a pimp trafficking girls to...
Daniel Francis O'Toole, singing maestro in a New York restaurant, finds himself the unexpected heir ...
The Boyajian family learned of 18-year-old John's death in the Persian Gulf War on Christmas Eve ele...
Many years after a deadly terrorist siege in a Moscow theatre, survivor Natalya returns to the crime...
18-year-old Jenny Taylor is ecstatic when she finds out that her favorite rock star, Jason Masters, ...
Isabelle Brodeur embarks on a journey to Vietnam, her adopted daughter’s birthplace. Throughout this...
Talk show host Wendy Williams executive produces the biopic on her life, revealing the highs and low...
A haunted woman named Ida journeys from Germany to Jordan, to an eerie and deserted port town on the...
A year after his brother's death, Rob discovers that the only way to help his father cope with the l...
13-year-old Brian is the sole survivor of an unreported plane crash. Alone in the Yukon wilderness, ...
Teenage Lindsey McCabe loses her opportunity for a college scholarship to a transgender athlete. In ...
A decade spanning story of love, loss, and memory, witnessed through the lens of a working-class fam...
Romantic Drama starring Matthew Pearson, Jean Paul San Pedro, Katherine Newcomer