"Scars," is a short film that explores the horror of domestic abuse. The story follows James through a nightmarish experience of his past relationship with his girlfriend, Camila. He's unconsciously guided around his house by a mysterious presence that forces him to observe his cruel treatment towards her.
Glen is surprised when a news anchor stops reporting on the Gulf War and begins talking directly to ...
An unlucky musician returns back home on the day of his younger brother's movie premiere to steal an...
Eleonora is trapped in her marriage with Achilleas. Her brother, Vagelis, unwillingly offers her a p...
In a small town in Mexico, Miguel, a 26-year-old disabled man, lives isolated from the world because...
A world-weary corporate drone experiences an overload of terrifying proportions.
A son's patience and determination are tested as he navigates the daily challenges of caregiving for...
When a zombie virus breaks out, one ragtag group of elevator passengers must band together for a fig...
Five people travelling by camper crash into a tree. When they recover, the road they were driving on...
Judith attempts to work out why her partner appears not to be that interested in her, whilst other m...
Chloe, a straight talking film director, tries to convince her friend Sam to be an actor in her next...
A young criminal kidnaps a couple's young son and then blackmails them into committing his crime ins...
A young woman left her family for an unspecified reason. The husband determines to find out the trut...
An enigmatic, existential enforcer for a small-time local crime boss does not suffer fools gladly. U...
When a new pupil arrives at a comprehensive school, he decides to take his video camera to film the ...
Starring Mike Brayden, Yvette Angulo and directed by Ryan Casselman. Birthdays can be tough. Often a...
A Nova Scotian woman falls into a violently abusive relationship with a disgusting man, finally taki...
Trapped inside the Space Freighter/Refinery Dédalo, Siena tries to survive an infestation of diaboli...
Embark on a haunting journey with 'Threads,' a Claymation body horror directed by NOFAC3. After an e...
To save the life of her dying son, Liz must venture to the desolate surface and face the monsters th...
“There must be a different solution than the one from hell’. Full unadulterated terror (and music). ...