Found footage film where a group of friends gather for a Memorial Day celebration, when the Earth is violently attacked by someone...or something...from regions beyond. This exciting character-driven thriller features found footage chronicling the panic and terror that ensue as these people must fight to survive.
A group of students decide to base their media assignment on a local railway museum myth. However, w...
Stuck in existential boredom, two high school students start a bold and complex project: kidnapping ...
After a construction project begins digging in their neighbourhood, best friends Tuck, Munch and Ale...
In December 1993, a luxury condominium tower block collapse after ground erosion from the neighbouri...
What happens when an uncontrollable virus turns the living into the living dead?
The star of the hit series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, Sunshine embarks on a new adventure with ...
A documentary-style drama based on true accounts of the Fouke Monster in Arkansas.
A documentary film crew investigate a series of brutal killings known as the Black Water murders. As...
Do You Like My Basement? tracks how one man's creative frustration bore a need to make the perfect h...
A teenager investigates the disappearance of his cousin.
Lima, Peru. An investigation into the mysterious disappearance of a young man in the supposedly haun...
The next great psycho horror slasher has given a documentary crew exclusive access to his life as he...
Two friends from USA go on an exotic vacation in remote areas away from the city in Vietnam and dare...
Accused of a brutal murder by the people in their village, Oliver Isaacs and James Dean-Hughes set o...
An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visitations to Earth and Earth...
A mysterious masked man wanders through a neighborhood on Halloween, filming enigmatic footage scopi...
On a bitterly cold December night, a paranormal investigations team has set their sights on the bloo...
A film crew tracks a group of researchers and their breakthrough disease research. While battling th...
A television reporter and her cameraman are trapped inside a building quarantined by the CDC after t...
In 1997, four campers went missing during the Phoenix Lights incident and their bodies were never fo...